Monday, July 18, 2005

Week 6: Day 6*

My cousin found a great magazine to help me with my workout routine. It is a special edition MUSCLE & FITNESS for women. It shows all the basic excersices for abs, back, legs & cardio. It shows you how to do it and how many reps. I even goes as far to map out a 12 week plan for jump starting your weight loss. I have lost only 1 lb since last week (According to my scale) but in just a weeks time I can see the difference. Just my tummy alone has gone down. You can see it in the picture to the right over there. My face is slowly but surely returning to normal. My cheeks aren't as puffy as they used to be.

Tomorrow is my weigh in for week six. It won't be a 4 lb. week but My clothes are falling off and that is the true testement. That is what people see, not the numbers on the scale. My body will let go of the weight eventually. All the people on the WW boards, I have faith in when they say just keep on program because it works. I'm learning patience. It's hard but a gift I've learned to use on this trip. ~Amy


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